Monday 21 October 2013

Ewing Guard!

Hello people, we are so sorry it's been awhile since we last posted but slot has been going on... Sooo we gonna start back up this week and seen as Christmas is coming up and I know you are all going to start worrying about what your gonna get for your brothers, fathers, boyfriends/husbands or even yourself e.t.c, so here's a pefect trainer for the perfect gift! 

^^ now I say they are like timberlands, prehamps just a cheaper option and have more of a sneaker style, rather than a boot. Now these shoes a slightly on a more expensive side and may cost between $145 - $180 (£90 - £110) but if you start saving now I am pretty sure you can buy these super dope sneakers! 

They come in a both black and white and if your looking for something quirky and unique try a bold blue!

Sorry again for not posting a while! And we will be more consistant with posting!
Peace and Love 